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The Power of Your Plan

Creating a Plan is a foundational principle to success in any endeavor or venture, yet few people take the time up front to consider the why, how and “nuts and bolts” they will need...

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Learn to See Beyond the Surface

A while back my husband and I joined another couple on a charter boat in Mexico. We were lounging on the deck when suddenly the captain shouts to us that there was a whale shark next to the boat....

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See the End from the Beginning

One of the greatest keys to success is learning the principle of "Seeing the end from the beginning." It is a principle we understand when planning a vacation or building our dream home. It's a...

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The Barnacle Principle

One of the greatest advantages I have enjoyed in life has been that I was blessed with parents that possessed both an unusual sense of adventure and the desire to experience life to its fullest. It...

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Lessons Learned on the Mountain

A few years ago a friend of mine named Mike invited me to go skiing with him. Mike was in his early twenties, worked at Deer Valley, was a great skier and knew the mountain well. I on the other...

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